Tuesday 19 June 2012


within the open plan, 1 level facebook headquaters.

standing at the edge of the facebook headquaters on the steps waiting for the elevating/mooving bridge to pick me up

on the bridge/elevator to the middle of "the gap" to meet for lunch

 the two elevating bridges approaching eachother.

the two dining tables lining up with eachother. note the circular end of facebook, and the thick, raised end of coca cola with the throne behind.

me standing on coca colas monolithic throne

coca cola headquaters. its engulfed by a red mesh structure that creates a false and distorting facade to its viewers, concealing whats within (a multistorey traditional, hierarchical office bulding.)

the purposeful lack of vegetation surrounding the headquaters represents its decaying effect.

the rooftop view for the ceo at the top of the interior coca cola lift. character is looking towards the other head (facebook)

open and public entrance to facebook HQ

the multitude of light rays at sunset created by the multi textured glass

the tall coca cola HQ in the distance (1km away)

riding the coca cola elavator/bridge, heading towards the middle

view at the gates to coca cola HQ

the dark coca cola HQ facade

similar contrasting shot of facebook HQ. 

entrance to Facebook HQ


look into flow graphs of the entity's to get the key nodes.
if that doesnt work out
coca cola HQ lift: O is up and P is to go back down

coca cola bridge, I to go towards meeting place, U to go back

facebook Y to go towards meeting point and T to return



EXP 3: site selection and general ideas

The two companys i chose were facebook and coca cola. i wanted to portray these companies as good vs evil, or new vs the old. I believe that the coca cola company is a destructive powerhouse, and within my portrayal of this company i want to display this. i want to show the typical hierarchical nature of the company (through a multi story type building) and i want to contrast this with an open plan, more inviting, equal level headquaters for facebook.

the site i chose was "the gap" (sydney harbour) purely because its a valley that i can relate to, and a valley that id never want, but almost expect two powerful companys like facebook and cocacola to build on. the gap also has a sort of mystical and eerie feeling as a suicide spot. i purposely put coca cola at watsons bay (the more popular side) to evoke this.

over head view. i used this (with the scale) to accurately re create the site.
the city in the background posed a problem as the site was so large and in crysis water is always in the distance.

shot from watsons bay looking out to manly side.

crysis map in draft/devlopment. 

using rulers on crysis to determine distances and sizes of landforms, comparing them to google sketchup

having trouble with the "distant" landforms. i was trying to create a land backdrop/horizon with no succes due to the scale of the site

view looking towards what would be north-sydney area.

using birds eye views to map out outer edges of sydney harbour. 

student participation marking sheets:


the first 24 of my textures were done in the traditional arch1101 fashion as 6x6 squares in those tiny notepads.

for my last 12 textures i decided to get a bit more free and use acrylics, inks and watercolours.
the first of my last two words was movement through absorption,

the second was the unpredictability of movement

textures used in final cry engine environment:

used on fb bridge

used on fb part dining table, roundness of texture symbolises the round table, all equal. creates a heightened level of contrast to coca colas half of table

used on inside of "skeletal frame" on fb building

used on glass for fb building, changed some colour levels around for this texture on cry engine and also used it for the glass stairs coming off the end of the building

used on the mesh like cover over the coca cola building. purposely infused bits of black to wash around the original red texture. symbolizing decay and dark nature of coca cola.


my 2 point perspectives from left to right, (each line represents the same 3 shapes drawn from a different perspective)

EXP 3: article mashup

coca cola facebook take two interactive 

What does your technology want from you? Your photos, opinions, data, friends’ data, likes, health records, contacts, romantic situation, whereabouts. Are video-game makers Hollywood’s next takeover bait? It was revealed on Wednesday that Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO) is looking to expand its reach worldwide by looking to smaller electronic arts companys to boost profits while simultaneously keeping rising commodity costs in check.With some of the biggest gaming groups now struggling, it looks like a buyer’s market for media giants. Electronic Arts and its rivals look ripe for the picking by media groups like  Coca-Cola and facebook. The current digital boom, which can evoke those heady-before-they-weren’t dot-com days, is pressing technology ever deeper into our lives.
  Coke continues to gain global share position in the world, placing it fundamentally among the best in our coverage universe. Strong demand was broad based with  society, with more technologies that serve you like a toothbrush.

take two article

coca cola article

facebook article