Tuesday 19 June 2012

EXP 3: site selection and general ideas

The two companys i chose were facebook and coca cola. i wanted to portray these companies as good vs evil, or new vs the old. I believe that the coca cola company is a destructive powerhouse, and within my portrayal of this company i want to display this. i want to show the typical hierarchical nature of the company (through a multi story type building) and i want to contrast this with an open plan, more inviting, equal level headquaters for facebook.

the site i chose was "the gap" (sydney harbour) purely because its a valley that i can relate to, and a valley that id never want, but almost expect two powerful companys like facebook and cocacola to build on. the gap also has a sort of mystical and eerie feeling as a suicide spot. i purposely put coca cola at watsons bay (the more popular side) to evoke this.

over head view. i used this (with the scale) to accurately re create the site.
the city in the background posed a problem as the site was so large and in crysis water is always in the distance.

shot from watsons bay looking out to manly side.

crysis map in draft/devlopment. 

using rulers on crysis to determine distances and sizes of landforms, comparing them to google sketchup

having trouble with the "distant" landforms. i was trying to create a land backdrop/horizon with no succes due to the scale of the site

view looking towards what would be north-sydney area.

using birds eye views to map out outer edges of sydney harbour. 

student participation marking sheets:

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